If you’ve never tried Lauden chocolates, get online now and send some to your loved ones, but send some to yourself as well because they are out of this world and they look fantastic.
They are the work of Sun and Stephen Trigg. Sun is from Singapore, Stephen is from Leeds. I first came across them at the York Food Festival a couple of years ago and since then they seem to have been going great guns and now have a factory in Leeds. They make twelve different filled lozenges stamped with a colourful, vaguely retro transfer designs. So they look cool in their transparent plastic box and taste utterly amazing. The chocolate is top quality, but it’s the fillings that will blow you away: Mediterranean orange; passion fruit; lemon; raspberry and rose; lychee and rose and my favourite salted carmel – runny caramel with French fleur de sel encased in 64% dark chocolate.
Lauden Chocolate Limited, 63 Brussels Street, Leeds LS9 8AB
T: 0113 244 0289 [email protected]