This Hot Marmalade Pudding, was inspired by our visit to The Three Chimney’s on the Isle of Skye. It was created by owner Shirley Spear and has been on the menu since they opened in 1984. No wonder, it’s delicious.
It’s made with breadcrumbs and only a little flour making it beautifully light. Serve it with Shirley’s proper custard made with eggs, milks and cream and take care never to let it boil or you’ll have scrambled custard.
150g fine brown breadcrumbs
120g soft light brown sugar
25g self-raising wholemeal flour (white SR would do)
120g fresh butter, plus extra for greasing
8 tbsp well flavoured course cut marmalade
3 large eggs
1 rounded tsp bicarbonate of soda plus 1 tbsp water to mix.
Butter a 3 pint pudding basin well. Place the breadcrumbs, flour and sugar in a large mixing bowl.
Melt butter together with the marmalade in a saucepan over a gentle heat.
Pour the melted ingredients over the dry ingredients and mix together thoroughly.
Whisk the eggs until frothy and beat gently into the mixture until blended together well.
Last of all; dissolve the bicarbonate of soda in 1 tbsp of cold water. Stir this into the pudding mixture which will increase in volume as it absorbs the bicarbonate of soda.
Spoon the mixture into the prepared basin. Cover it with a close fitting lid or alternatively make a lid with circles of buttered greaseproof paper and foil, pleated together across the centre and tied securely around the rum of the basin.
Place the pudding basin in a saucepan of boiling water. The water should reach halfway up the side of the basin. Cover the pan with a close-fitting lid and simmer pudding for 2 hours. The water will need topping up throughout the cooking period.
Turn out on to a serving dish slice and serve hot with fresh cream, ice cream or as we do at the Three Chimneys Drambuie Custard
Drambuie Custard
275 fresh milk
275 ml double cream
6 egg yolks
100g caster sugar
2 tbsp Drambuie liqueur
Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar until pale, slightly thick and creamy.
Gently warm the milk and cream until it is just beginning to bubble.
Pour the milk and cream onto the egg and sugar mixture and whisk together. Return the mixture to the saucepan.
Bring to the boil very slowly stirring all the time. As soon as it begins to thicken, or coats the back of the wooden spoon, remove from the heat and pour into a bowl or jug for serving. Stir in the Drambuie. Serve immediately.
Alternatively cool the custard quickly in a bowl sitting on ice and refrigerate when cold, until required.
The custard can be used cold for assembling a trifle serving with frozen or chilled desserts, or reheated carefully for serving with a hot pudding.