Our chums at the Pextenement Cheese Company have every right to feel chuffed – not only are they making absolutely top quality organic cheese but they’re about to be rewarded for their hard work by none other than HRH The Princess Royal, who apparently requested a visit to the farm when she comes up to Calderdale next week. They love cheese, those Windsors. Cheesemaker General Carl tells me he’s got a photo of himself with Anne’s big brother taken when he came to Todmorden a year or two ago. Yours truly has been invited, and I will of course find an excuse to slip her a Squidbeak flyer. I’m sure she’ll appreciate our tips as to where to find a great cuppa.
The Boyfriend’s just pointed out that my police record will have been vetted by the palace; seems they’ve turned a blind eye to that tiny incident involving the crate of champagne and the back of a lorry ..