Someone very kindly donated a pile of old food mags the other week and I’ve been wading through them. Was just about to re-donate them to the GP surgery, had a last flick through and found this. It delivers on every count: my passion for one-pan meals, you don’t need deep pockets and above all, it’s as tasty as hell.
2 fat cloves of garlic, squashed
1 lemon, sliced thickly
A glass of white wine
4 chicken legs
A handful of cherry tomatoes
400g can of butter beans
A handful of flat leaf parsley
Method: Heat the oven to 190C/fan 170C/Gas 5. Put the garlic and lemon slices into a baking dish. Pour the wine over and sit the chicken legs on top. Season really well. Roast for 45 mins then add the tomatoes and beans. Cook for another 10 mins. Chuck the parsley on. That’s it.